Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What a Car Wreck Attorney Expects from you.

In my last post I talked about common expectations a client should have of his/her lawyer. However the client-attorney relationship is not only a one way street. Your car wreck attorney will have some expectations of you. Have you ever had to help someone that was not making it easy? Was a nervous wreck and was causing you anxiety? Imagine the perfect person to work with. They would probably calm, relaxed, cooperative, right?

Well a car wreck attorneys ideal client would have the same attributes. As a client you should be be calm and willing to cooperate. Trust your lawyer, chances are he knows a bit more than you. Make it easy for him to help you. Make sure you have everything well documented before you talk to him. So make sure that you take notes at the scene of the car wreck and be prepared to share them with your attorney. Give him/her all the notes you took as well as any pictures you might have of the accident. Make it easy for him to collect witness testimony and evidence.

Make sure you show your lawyer respect when it comes to his time and schedule. Do not call him at 2am expecting to discuss your case. Also make sure that you keep your car wreck attorney well informed on any new developments. If you are being aproached by the insurace company make sure you let him/her know.

Be willing to provide anything your attorney asks for. Let him/her know if you wont be available on certain dates. Make sure you keep in touch with your lawyer. If needed help with reserch or leg work. Not everything in a investigation needs a law degree. There might be some things you could do that would not only show that you are commited to the case but also would probably save you some money.

I will let you out by saying this: the most important thing to remember is that your car wreck attorney is not your friend. He/she is your attorney and you need to keep a bussiness type relationship at all times. His/her motivation will be that share of the compensation at the end of the case. If you win that is. Also make sure that any legal fees are paid on time. Well thats it till next time have a good one.

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